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  • Switchboard: 876 978-9161
  • Studio Line: 876 978-7388

Single Fathers, We See YOU and Bless YOU

 As we approach the day (probably arbitrarily) designated as Fathers Day, I find myself increasingly committed to the idea and task of reframing the narrative of fatherhood, especially as it relates to men of colour. I am convinced that the old, hackneyed stereotypes of 'wutless', deadbeat, absent fathers have outlived their usefulness. Haven'...
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  3075 Hits
3075 Hits

New Year Preements

Sooooo 2020, in all its 'covidity', is ending. We are beginning a new year, which for many of us means, resolution time. "New tings, I'm going to sort out my life." While many of us say that some other people wax bitter and salty, you know criticizing and judging: "Oh yea, here they come again with their new year's resolutions and their vision boar...
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  2404 Hits
2404 Hits